The Fad Free Fitness Formula
The Fad Free Fitness Formula
The road to fitness and the body you want starts with your assessment of your current condition and what you wish to accomplish. - What kind of lifestyle do you want? - What kind of body would you like? - Have you tried to reconfigure your body by losing or adding-on weight in selected areas?
You would be unusual if you have not tried diets and/or exercise at one time or another in your life. Whatever route you choose, you have to decide what matters most to you. The factors of mindset, nutrition and fitness training are the three dominant variables affecting your physical condition.
What you eat and the lifestyle you enjoy (including exercising) will affect the body you have. One of the recurring mantras of the authors in this book is, "You cannot out-train a bad diet." And so, the science of how 'what you eat' affects your shape and condition, is combined with suggested routines to mold your body and burn off unwanted fat.
Perhaps of greatest importance, the Celebrity Experts in this book tell you how to put it all together in a program to deliver the shape, body and condition you envisage. They will also show you how to do it step-by-step with a Fad Free Fitness Formula.